Friday, March 06, 2009

Troy on Orwells Ghost


21 Aug 2008, 16:47


RE: Greetings Troy…

Indiana Eric

I presume that you are referring to my responses to your pitiful outburst from last September that I have posted below.

If I remember the chain of events properly - it is almost a year ago - You sent me your unsolicited & ignorant defensive pro-Ron Paul message around the time that you got yourself banned on Myspace so I posted it to Thomas Richards who posted it on his site & then reposted it on the Unhived Mind. Several of the links to sources didn’t translate to the forum post & are included in title only, I have no intention of wasting my time fixing those now.

I include the letter that I wrote to Thomas as an introduction to my comments on your nonsensical outburst.

Also I made it quite clear that I was referring to your disgusting comments that were directed at myself in a forum that you thought was private but wasn’t - as it turned up in a search engine query response. I’ve got no idea about what you’ve said about Eric Phelps & anyone else in the past but nothing would surprise me.

I will also make it clear for the last time that I have never blamed blue lodge Masons for the Satanic NWO or supporting it. My mother’s father was a blue lodge Mason for a short time & was a labourer - little scope there for being included in NWO strategic planning. The 32nd & 33rd degree Masons & even the higher level Memphis & Misraim are a very different kettle of fish however, as I made quite clear in my comments to your diatribe.

My friend, you clearly have a compulsive, obsessive disorder when it comes to rectifying perceived wrongs that you created in the first place & I suggest that you seek urgent help.

Any further communication from you will be roundly ignored, as I have no intention of further satisfying your bizarre need for attention.

Thank you -




Greetings Thomas!

Thanks for your solidarity in these recent times of unsubstantiated attacks on my personal reputation, knowledge and quality of my distributed information. The inexcusably vulgar verbal abuse emanating from these quarters speaks loudly of those with agendas other than those they publicly present.

Before elaborating further on the above matters, I wish to give you some brief background on the path of how I came to my understanding of the Vatican and Jesuit agenda:

I have been seriously interested in the true nature of global manipulation for the past four years. during this time i came across references in the works of a couple of authors whose subject matter is commonly referred to as the New World Order and the Illuminati. It was through them that I first became aware of the Vatican’s involvement and of the Jesuit Superior General’s control of both Freemasonry and the Papacy. Eventually I discovered the material of “Vatican Assassins” researcher Eric Jon Phelps. Upon serious consideration of his research, many pieces of the puzzle that had seemed obscure and illogical finally fell into place. The Jesuit creation and manipulation of the Bavarian Illuminati appeared to be almost certainly deliberately obscured by the few New World Order researchers who mentioned the Jesuits at all. The true structure and history of the secret society network became clearly and logically apparent.

Further investigation led to works such as Bill Hughes’ “Secret Terrorists” and “Enemy Unmasked” and Sidney Hunter’s “Is Alberto for Real?”, and ultimately to internet resources such as your truly enlightening SpirituallySmart. com website. As is often said: a picture can say a thousand words. Others are trying to get the word out and despite their varied religious and spiritual beliefs, the work and interviews or lectures of Leo Zagami, Alan Watt, Bill Deagle and Greg Szymanski also point unequivocally to the Jesuit control of the so-called New World Order.

I set up a Myspace account just over a year ago, unsure of how I was going to fully use it. Within a short time it came to reflect my varied interests, from music and cultural activities to matters of the spirit and what I had come to call the New World Order. Soon after I started getting friend requests from several high-profile blog posters and became aware of Gina via these means. Her spiky “character” didn’t bother me and seemed part of what I then considered to be her charm and we exchanged a few friendly messages.

Via the Myspace message facility, I started posting Gina articles from sources such as London’s Times online newspaper with the leaked story of how the bishops of the Church of England were getting together with Rome to discuss coming back under the Vatican or how the Catholic population outweighed that of Protestants in the U.K. for the first time in centuries, etc. This was because she posted a couple of things on the Vatican and seemed interested. I now realize that as her page has become more blatant in reflecting her adulation of the likes of Vatican pawn and American traitor Ronald Reagan, that Gina is either seriously confused, or is actually - like her “enemy”, fellow staunch supporter of Ron Paul, alternative media disinformationalist Alex Jones - driven by a covert agenda to mould a false perception of the global power structure. Judging by the obsequious platitudes littering her blogs comments board, she’s developed a skill for bringing together the willfully misinformed.

Due to limited computer technical skills on my part, as regards copying and pasting pictures and banner links, my Myspace page didn’t visually reflect my awareness of the degree of the Vatican’s control over world affairs until more recent times. All the stuff on my page was acquired via obtaining the source code from bulletins and messages from friends that I had requested source-codes from. I am labouring this point to demonstrate that despite Gina’s assertions to the contrary, I didn’t suddenly “jump ship” over night. This is a clear case of how her characteristic (thinly-veiled) condescension toward her Myspace friends can all too easily transform into a venomous hostility.

This became all too apparent when I started reposting photos, videos and stills highlighting questions about the true nature of 2008 Presidential candidate Ron Paul. Some of these, as you now know, I obtained from bulletins of yours. This coincided with the information you had brought to light on Alex Jones that others have since tried to claim false credit for. Step forward and take a bow Indiana Eric A.K.A. Orwell’s Ghost.

From my own researches I had become aware of Alex Jones’ involvement with the John Birch Society and of that organisation’s leadership’s involvements with high-level Masonry. I sent, via Myspace, a message relaying my concerns as to Jones’ connections to the J.B.S. in light of the facts that I had come across to Steve Watson, one of Alex Jones’ partners involved in the running of the websites, Prison Planet and Infowars. When I became aware of your Alex Jones information the pieces clicked and the questions regarding Ron Paul began to take on a new significance and importance.

I will state for the record that, until this time, I still heavily supported Ron Paul, Alex Jones and Co. on my page. I believe in giving the benefit of the doubt. In the case of the two names just mentioned, that doubt has dispersed after a thorough contemplation and analysis of the combined facts and evidence. This was highlighted through similar situations with the false anti-zionist researchers Daryl Bradford Smith and Eric Hufschmid and the actions of so-called Christian “truthseeker”/ N.W.O. “investigator” John Conner/ Mark Dice. Conner/ Dice appears to be a younger Jones-in-training and similarly gets covered by the controlled mainstream media, in his case via things like “the View”. These guys are the “official alternative” media.

It would be ludicrous for anyone with any reasonable amount of knowledge regarding the nature of the intelligence-gathering and disinformation-propogating “alphabet soup” agencies to think that it would be unlikely that they would have their plants in the so-called Truth “movement” (which emerged in the years after 9/11 and particularly with the advent of internet-based social networks and their ability to provide an effective means of “grassroots” information distribution (and gathering). This is a fast paced scene and one which in my opinion is being effectively used as a social engineering medium targeting the politically- and socially-questioning info-activists. The sheeple (sheep-like people A.K.A. the masses) so disparaged by this scene find their reflection in those doing the accusing.

The tactics used by those involved can be cunning. Ron Paul activists may vilify Alex Jones (thus potentially deflecting criticism of a rigged game), usually for the least significant reasons, while other, less significant ones often endorse him. It is my intention to let this “community” know that it should be aware that they are being played like cards. Just for a change, instead of telling the “sheeple” to wake up, the name-callers should take a moment to reflect whether they are actually among the sleeping.

Gina and Indiana Eric’s foolhardy exhortations (utilizing a publicly-accessible discussion forum that they naively believed to be private!) to their online clique to get dirt on earnest researchers of the Vatican/ Jesuit agenda is blatantly self-incriminating. Posting details of my two Myspace accounts with the heading “Logging Troy” is the “writing on the wall” of a stalker mentality. Their indiscretion is highlighted by the fact that such postings were stumbled upon while you were looking up references to your website via a search engine.

I am passing on to you the following “contributions” from Indiana Eric A.K.A. Orwell’s Ghost. They accurately capture the nonsensical, ungrounded mindsets that unfortunately permeate and pollute the waters of the so-called Truth “movement”. They capture with stark apparentness the bitterness of those who remain willfully ignorant of verifiable connections and historical backgrounds. Unhidden is the scornfulness towards those who place great stock on research that is deep, thorough and conducive to a raising of true awareness. Like his mentor, he acts like he’s an exposer of the Vatican and the Jesuits, yet when the motives of one of his own “sacred cows” are so much as questioned, he - like so many other would-be “truthseekers” - turns like a viper.

The following responses to my bulletins and blog comments are clearly not the product of any mastermind in such a situation. Rather they portray a bit player in the attempt to stifle genuine information distribution. The efforts of such types - easily manipulated as they are by those with a more sophisticated knowledge of such strategies - nevertheless contribute to the stagnation of genuine openness.

Unfortunately for people like this I deal in analyzing the facts and thoroughly considering all of the evidence, including the natures of and histories behind all parties involved. My commentary - highlighted in bold - is a reflection of this.

Peace and respect -

Posted by Orwells Ghost on September 8, 2007 - Saturday at 3:45 PM

1 Ron Paul was not giving the Luciferian/ Satanic hand symbol nor the Longhorn salute, it was the hand signal for love and he did it as he was getting out of a vehicle and being greeted by his supporters.

[Troy's comment: Who seriously believes that Ron Paul supporters are conversant in Deaf Sign Language. Who uses this symbolic greeting other than deaf people, occultists or heavy metal/ rock fans (derived from its occultic intent?) ... or certain politicians, royalty and corporate leaders with either verifiable deference or ties to the Vatican, the Jesuits and/ or the global secret society network? For Ron Paul's honouring of the Papacy see: "Honoring Pope John Paul II: A Consistent Pro-Life Figure" by Rep. Ron Paul, MD Before the US House of Representatives, April 6, 2005.]

2 Why would Ron Paul give a Satanic salute to his own supporters who mainly consist of people like us who know full well about the Satanic hand signal?

[Troy's comment: This completely fallacious, ungrounded and repeated statement by the some of the more active Ron Paul bloggers: those who also have a passing knowledge of what is commonly referred to as the Illuminati - i.e. the elite Satanic and/ or Luciferian manipulation of the New World Order. Ron Paul never discusses this (understandably for a politician) or the ultimate Jesuit/Vatican control, instead alluding merely to the "globalists", the Council on Foreign Relations and "this present administration". Apart from the small number of acolytes like Eric Orwell's Ghost, Ron Paul's supporters have no more interest in these matters than those of any other candidates. For more on the Luciferian Philosophy within Masonry see: The Masonic Fairy Tale Known As The Leo Taxil Confession.]

3 My grandfather is JBS and my uncle is a mason. And I can tell you straight up that neither are part of any NWO master planning.

[Troy's comment: "Was Eric O.G.'s uncle a 33-degree mason? As this was unstated then it would be reasonable to believe that he wasn't. Did anyone refer to the lay-members of the John Birch Society as being behind the New World Order? Presumably Ron Paul's "many friends" in the J.B.S. include its leadership, why wouldn't they be close to the only politician who consistently has a 100% accordance rating with J.B.S. aims? See: Conservative Index - The John Birch Society - Year: Summer 06 and Representative Ronald Ernest 'Ron' Paul (TX).]

4 I have reached out to some of these people that are “in the know”and in most instances I know more than they do, but they shun me because of personal reasons. I even posted on Thomas’s Youtube video that I had his back when he started receiving flak for what he was attempting to do. But at least now I know why other people were credited with things and why I was always ignored.

Thats ok though, because Thomas doesnt have the dirt I have on Alex and he will just have to keep talking about his connection to Pat Buchanan and his Jesuit friend Charlie Sheen instead of Alexs connections to the mafia and the Carlucci family.

[Troy's comment: I have strongly urged Eric O.G. to come forward with his "dirt". "Put up or shut up" being the phrase used I believe. As a relative and highly signicant aside: Alex Jones, along with C.I.A. Jesuit Pat Buchanan is Ron Paul's most vocal public supporter. Like Paul he also has very close John Birch Society links as can be determined from this article on one of his own websites: Alex Jones Interviews John McManus: Newsflash...PT Boat Commander Meets Fleet Admiral, they discover they are in the same Navy.]

5 Just because the American Freemasonry and the JBS may have NWO types at the helm not does not mean that all the lower level members are “cogs in the wheel”. For the most part most of them think they are working against things like the UN and the NWO.

[Troy's comment: Low-level members in any organisation are inevitably "cogs" (definition: "a person who plays a minor part in a large organization, activity, etc."; source: Dictionary. com). Eric O.G.'s correct assertion that "most of them think they are working against things like the UN and the NWO" is entirely in accordance with my statements. What was he reading??!! These lower-level members are being used by those privy to a fuller picture of the true agenda. The cognoscenti includes people in strategic positions within the secret society network and not even every 33 degree mason is part of the more elite element of this network.]

6 It is fair to question Ron Paul about a thing or two, like his supposed racial slurs and his stance on 9/11, but using his “Love” hand signal and his statement that he has JBS friends are not these smoking gun pieces of evidence some people are making them out to be.

[Troy's comment: Statements based around Eric O.G.'s ignorance of the occultic use of the "thumb out, palm forward" variation of the "horned hand" sign and of the John Birch Society's own verifiable history of a plethora of 32 and 33 degree mason leaders, C.I.A. (J.B.S. internal spying), Knights of Malta, Vatican, Nazi links, not too mention links to the Council on Foreign Relations that is, along with the United Nations, the main organisation that they have maintained they oppose the goals of!! See: the belmont brotherhood and http://www. angelfire. com/journal2/watch-unto-prayer/JBS. html

7 We need the Freemasons and the JBS members to be on our side as allies instead of against us as enemies. This country was founded by Freemasonry even though it was infiltrated at its very inception. The founding fathers knew America needed its own secret society of intellectuals that work in Americas best interest.

[Troy's comment: Spoken like a true elitist! Those secret society "intellectuals" always know what's best for us, eh Eric? For some reasonable questions regarding the true intent of the emotionally-named "Founding Fathers" see Did the Founding Fathers betray the American People?" For a summary of the F.B.I.'s 12,000 page main file on the J.B.S. see: Endless Enemies: The Birch Society Confronts The World. As for the lower-level members, what they need to do is consider the true nature of their organisations using the URL's and links given above for starters. Then there may be some hope of dealing with people who've started to question the validity of those blood oaths that they've taken.]

8 Organized Freemasonry was not even behind the Adam Weishaupt Illuminati, it was the Vatican and her Jesuits. Weishaupt never stopped being a Jesuit. He took Jesuit operations underground during the time of the great Jesuit Suppression.

The Illuminati was used to infiltrate Masonry.
Masonry didnt create the Illuminati to control it.
Why do you think the Illuminati was created 2 months before American Freemasonry?
Illuminati was created May 1 1775 and American Freemasonry was created some time just before July 4th 1775.

[Troy's comment: Oh dear, Eric O.G.'s air of superiority is clouding his chronological accuracy and in the case of the former he forgets that most famous and infamous year: 1776. See The Bavarian Illuminati: "The Bavarian Illuminati ... was founded on May 1, 1776 in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria)". The latter dates to 1733. See Early Freemasonry in the United States (1733-1799): "In 1733, Henry Price, the Provincial Grand Master over all of North America for the London Grand Lodge, granted a charter to a group of Boston Freemasons. This lodge was later named St. John's Lodge and was the first duly constituted lodge in America."]

And why did Weishaupt have to personally join Masonry if he was already had all the top Masonic leaders in his Illuminati?

The main that truly created the Illuminati, Freiherr von Knigge, who turned the Illuminati into something actually gaining headway dropped out on July 1st 1784 and accused Weshaupt of Jesuitism and that he remained a Jesuit all along and was merely a Jesuit in disguise.

And that is not coming from me, that is coming from the Catholic Encyclopedia.

[Troy's comment: Eric O.G. clearly has access to the same internet reference sources that we all do. For those wishing to verify this see The Catholic Encyclopedia - Illuminati]

Nobody ever mentions Knigge, its all about Weishaupt, but Weishaupt couldnt do what he was looking to do in subverting the Masonic Order so he used Knigge who was well respected in Masonic circles.

[Troy’s comment: Calm down Eric, tell us something we don’t know. I’m quite aware that the Jesuits created the Bavarian Illuminati as a cover. The section that clearly got Eric O.G. all worked up was this from http://www. angelfire. com/journal2/watch-unto-prayer/JBS. html

In 1977, a group of former JBS members exposed the organization’s subversive connections in an report titled The Belmont Brotherhood (referring to the coterie of leaders at Belmont, Massachusetts where JBS offices were originally located). This 12-page report concluded that the John Birch Society presents the most diabolical form of the Illuminati conspiracy:

“You may object: ‘Look at all the great things Welch has done - he has exposed the Illuminati.’ Baloney. The Illuminati was merely a branch of the Conspiracy. How can one attack the Illuminati without attacking the diabolical power behind it: organized Freemasonry? Welch has provided the most valuable service of all time to the Conspiracy. He founded an organization to neutralize millions of Americans from discovering what the true power behind the Illuminati really was. And we concede the Mason’s chose an extremely clever man to do the job. Welch, with the help of the Belmont Brotherhood, plays his role very effectively.”

By creating the perception that the conspiracy is Communist, the John Birch Society diverts suspicion from the Radical Right, whose principals have been discovered in cooperation with same. Conservative disinformation also creates a diversionary conflict which acts to prevent an alliance from forming to recognize and overturn the true conspirators.

So Eric O.G. looks for one(!) historical misunderstanding by the disillusioned John Birch Soiety members quote, a situation from over 200 years ago 2 involving an organisation that Eric couldn’t even remember that most reknowned date of its inception, to try to dismiss the facts of J.B.S.’s involvement with Vatican-loyalist Knights of Malta, C.I.A. and Nazi Fascists. A desperate battering ram used to unsuccessfully attack the rest of their invaluable information. I have to “admire” (ha!) your typical “official debunking tactics”. (for those less familiar with the methodology of such strategists, see Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth.

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