Friday, March 06, 2009

Cold War Freemasons

Dear Ezra,

Thank you for contacting me.

VAIII covers much of what you seek.

Know this:

Bible-believing Czar Alexander I expelled the Jesuits from all the Russias in 1820 for their political meddling. In 1822 he closed all the Masonic lodges. In 1825 he was given "the poison cup" as was given to Peter the Great who also expelled the Jesuits from all the Russias in 1723.

The Jesuits in seeking to conquer Moscow (the Third Rome) and thus overthrow the anti-Jesuit leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church, used Grand Orient Freemasons Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin via the Bolshevik Revolution. Remember that Antony Sutton's Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution states that American cartel capitalists on Wall Street financed that revolution. Knight of Malta Joseph P. Grace, the son of Knight of Malta William R. Grace (the servant of James Cardinal Gibbons and master of Teddy Roosevelt and super banker J. P. Morgan) was one of them who set up the Grace Russian Trading Company which flourished after the revolution.

After the Order used its Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists backed by London's Fabian Socialists (Fabius being a Roman General, thus the FS were Jesuit controlled), all Jewish leaders were purged by Stalin during The Great Terror of the 30s. Every Jew was "purged" except Lazar Kaganovitch who lived into his 90s. According to Jim Shaw's The Deadly Deception, the big three at Yalta were all high Freemasons---Churchill, FDR and Stalin. That Stalin was a Grand Orient Freemason is confirmed by Walter Veith in one of his excellent documentaries. Thus, when we see "Dirty Harry" Truman and Stalin sitting together at Potsdam, they were both brothers in the Craft.

Now if Lenin and Stalin were both Grand Orient Freemasons, most assuredly Khrushchev was also a Freemason. His performance in the UN taking off his shoe and ranting that the USSR "will bury you," was all a Jesuit directed diatribe so as to further drive the typical American into right wing fascism---the true purpose of Communism in the first place. "Anti-communist" Georgetown Jesuit Edmund Walsh greatly benefitted from this tirade as did Walsh's student, Jesuit-trained Joseph McCarthy. For communism is nothing more than fascism in an atheist costume; all the rest is identical; indeed, "extremes meet."

According to Leo Zagami Putin is a Freemason and is under the charge of the Russian Branch of the Knights of Malta headquartered in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

I trust this is helpful.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric

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