
Vital Religious Wisdom
With so much apostasy, here’s some information on the 21st Century’s new ministries deceiving the flock.
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By Timothy

Robert Schuller
Robert Schuller is a 33rd Degree Freemason whose friend was Billy Graham. Graham, Norman Vincent Peale, John Wayne, W. Clement Stone, and Rich DeVos (founder and chairman of Amway Corporation), are all 33rd Degree Freemasons. Masonic brother Billy Graham helped Schuller to create his ministry. He preaches a gospel based on self-esteem instead of the blood-brought sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Schuller embraces positive thinking, but he wasn’t the first man to use that false doctrine. See, he was a protégé of Norman Vincent Peale, a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason, who also used Positive Thinking. Peale assisted Schuller’s ministry and Peale died in 1993. Before Peale died, Schuller cried in tears that Peale was his mentor and inspiration. The Illuminatus Armaud Hammer gave money and helped Robert Schuller into Russia to put him on a lot on Russian T.V. What the history books don’t tell you is that Armaud was a Jewish top Communist under Lenin and Stalin who utilized bad tactics in America. His own father, Julius, named his first son after the Communists’ arm and hammer symbol.
J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, and William Casey (ex-head of the CIA) were friends or allies of Armaud Hammer. People like Schuller give themselves up to embrace heresy like his belief of Positive Thinking, accepts Freemasonry, loves ecumenicalism, and are allied with the Illuminati. Papist Rupert Murdock (FOX News leader and Australian billionaire smut promoter) even financially gave Schuller money to let him show his “positive thinking” false theology. He also seems so kosher with the now deceased John Paul II and the Roman Catholic Church. While I hope Pope Benedict XVI to wake up, the Catholic Church is still overtly superstitious embracing wrong doctrines and a cultic mentality on many levels. Robert Schuller praised the Pope John Paul II and Mother Theresa. He also created the “Churches Uniting in Global Missions” in wanting “a spirit of unity” between Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, Evangelical, and Charismatic. One of his famous quotes is:
“The most effective mantras employ the “M” sound. You can get the feel of it by repeating the words, “I am, I am,” many times over…Transcendental Meditation or TM…is not a religion nor is it necessarily anti-Christian.” (Peace of Mind Through Positive Thinking,” pgs. 131-132)
TM is from the religion of Buddhism and New Age, which is in it of itself is anti-Christian, so Schuller is lying that TM is not a religion and pro-Christian. Also, to have vain repetition is against the Bible from Matthew 6:7: “But when you pray, use not vain repetitious, as the Heathen do: for they THINK that they shall be heard for their much speaking.” Self-esteem is not necessarily a sign of being true. You see, Jesus Christ suffered persecution, he wasn’t very popular with the world, and he was ridiculed like many good leaders have been. Isaiah 53:3 even prophesized that the Lord Jesus Christ [who is God] will not be the one possessing great “self-esteem.” Behold:
“He (Jesus Christ) is despised and rejected of men: A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as if were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” David Gibson had a picture of Crystal Cathedral in January 1998. This was when Schuller conducted an international conference of 2,200 church leaders. On the lower right hand side of the church appear to be a symbol of the goats head meaning Satan as anyone knowledgeable of the occult realize. Just shows which god runs the mainstream religious groups. It’s certainly not Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and the prophets.


Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth is a 33rd Degree Freemason, whose ministry is based on the World Faith Movement. This movement emphasize on the false claim that material gain is equated to benefit, but they reject the truth that spiritual gain is an outcome of God’s blessing. There is a picture of him displaying the horned-hand sign, which is the worship of Satan and acknowledgement of being involved with the occult. With his Masonic handshakes with Masons and placing the Masonic Square and Compass on his tapes plus books, Kenneth Copeland is dedicated to the advancement of the false group of Masonry. Kenneth’s magazine for kids, “Shout” has a cover with an upside down star, equating Baphomet, a symbol of Satan. The Masonic Women’s Eastern Star uses the Baphomet as their logo. Oral Roberts helped Copeland to devise his religious spectacle and Billy Graham helped Oral to have his start.
His quotes are so blasphemous that a child can refute his dogma. Kenneth Copeland called God both male and female: “Adam was made in the image of God. He was as much female as he was male. He was exactly like God. Then God separated him and removed the female part. Woman means “man with the womb.” Eve had as much authority as Adam did as long they stayed together.” (Sensitivity of Heart KCP Publications, 1984, 23).


Why did Copeland obsess with calling God a he-she? It’s for the following reason. It’s interesting to note that according to “Set for the Defense of the Gospel: Exposing Kenneth Copeland” by Dr. Carl McIntive, “The iniatiation rite into the Second Degree of Freemasonry, represents the moral condition of nature’s god, always in labor, always reproducing. Again it looks on God as hermaphroditic, and states that his name JEHOVAH means “generation.” That means to say HE-SHE, two sexes in one.” (from Speculative Masonry, pg. 14 & Mackey’s Lexicon, pgs. 126-127). Kenneth said that “It wasn’t the physical death on the cross that paid the price for sin…anybody could do that.”
That’s a lie since the Holy Bible said that the cross paid for our sin: “And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby” (Ephesians 2:16)
“And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.” (Colossians 1:20)
“Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;” (Colossians 2:14)
In his “Resurrection Truth,” he said that Jesus was raped by Roman soliders every way possible, which is one of the most sickest statements anyone can make about the Lord Jesus Christ. That is blasphemy of the Son. Many ministries have proven that Kenneth Copeland believes that Kenneth Copeland clearly at his website acknowledges that Jesus died spiritually and
went to hell to suffer as a sinner. The truth is that Jesus Christ never died spiritually and he went to Hell, but he never became a sinner being perfect. The full Atonement of all sins were at the cross not in Hell.

$$$$$$$$$ Creflo Dollar $$$$$$
I’ve known Dollar since the late 1990’s when I saw him on television. His real name is Creflo Smith not Dollar. Dollar runs the World Changes, one of the nations’ fastest growing churches. Their $7 million dome on Burdette Road in College Park, Georgia is the largest church in the Atlanta area. It was founded in an elementary school 11 years ago. The dome is like a football arena with ushers sending people to 8,000 chairs every Sunday at a state of the art auditorium. He promotes the prosperity gospel. This lying doctrine’s motto is this “Jesus was rich on Earth, God wants you rich materially, and materially prosperity is a sign of a spiritual link with God.” While much of his flock isn’t wealthy, Creflo Dollar is a millionaire with a Rolex, wears expensive suits, has a $1,000,000 home, etc. He has 2 Rolls Royces and flies in a $5 million private jet to his speaking engagements from the U.S. to Europe.
Creflo Dollar church owns a Gates Learjet with an estimated value of $985,000. He met his wife at West Georgia College in Carrolton and he graduated in 1984 with a bacheleor’s degree in education. They have 5 children (3 girls and 2 boys). All indications show that’s a sincere man, but a man can be sincerely wrong especially Dollar’s associate is Mason Kenneth Copeland. Creflo Dollar is a heretic for as late as 2002, he denied Christ as God from everlasting eternity in the past and that Christ wasn’t born perfect. Check this out:
“If Jesus came as God, then why did God have to anoint him? If Jesus-See God’s already an already anointed. If Jesus came as God, then why did God have to anoint him? Jesus came as a man, that’s why it was legal to anoint Him. God doesn’t need anointed. He anointing. Jesus came as a man and at age thirty, God is now getting ready to demonstrate to us and give us an example of what a man with anointing can do…Jesus didn’t came as God, He came as a man, and He didn’t come perfect…But Jesus didn’t came perfect…He grew into His perfected…” (Creflo Follar Ministries: World Changes 12/8/2002).
I can’t believe he has the nerve to say that. Creflo Dollar blatantly lied since John 1:1,14 says that “In the beginning was the Word (Jesus Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…The Word became flesh and made dwelling among us…” Christ was called God many times in the Bible and one example is in Matthew when he was called Emmanuel, which means God with us in Hebrew. He was perfect and the apostles said that he knew no sin from eternity past. If Christ wasn’t perfect, his sacrifice would be tainted even if he gradually came into perfection, because his life must be without sin to save all men. 2 Cor. 5:21 contradicts Dollar as well. Christ wasn’t just a man, but he came as God in the flesh. He obsesses of wealth and said to this critics that the spirit of poverty is evil: “You operate by a spirit of poverty if you are critical of those who preach and teach prosperity.” (Praise the Lord, July 20, 1999).
Well, what is true prosperity? The Bible says that it’s harder for a rich man to get to heaven. Our reach riches we should be seeking are spiritual riches from God not material riches. Since wealth is not a sign of real prosperity of God’s blessings, a rich saved man is equal to a poor saved man in the eyes of God. 2 Peter 2:3 forbids greedy preachers. Creflo Dollar have now embraced the New Age Movement by calling human “gods”:
“All right! I’m going to say something, you are gods on this earth. And it’s about time we start operating like gods instead of a bunch of were powerless humans.” (Creflo Dollar, Audio-Clip, “Creflo Dollar: Christian Celebrity or Charismatic Gnostic?” #0418).
“…You are gods! You are God’s reflection on this planet…” (Creflo Dollar, Audio-Clip, “Creflo Dollar: Christian Celebrity or Charismatic Gnostic?” #0418).
First, Satan said that ye shall be as gods as Adam and Eve in Genesis, but that is a lie. We aren’t gods, but men and that’s perfectly fine. Pslam 83 refered to corrupt Israelis as gods in their corruption as acting as they want to be seen as “gods.” “gods” refer to their prideful titles as judges. God mocks them later said unto them that “…but ye shall die like men and fall like the one of the princes.” These were wicked judges. Even Isaiah 44:8 said that there is no other gods before Almigthy God. “gods” is a terms by the New Age Movement, so no human is a god.

T. D. Jakes
He’s one of the famous religious preachers involved in this new mega-church, prosperity gospel. They got football domes for churches. Ha ha ha ha!!!!! It’s spreading like wildfire in America unfortunately. Texe Marrs exposed him years ago. Jakes could be the new Billy Graham for the 21st century. Unfortunately, he’s deceiving my people in urban areas. He’s a Pentecostal-Charismatic pastor and a self-styled Bishop from South Dallas, Texas. T. D. Jakes is the perfect front “religious man.” Marrs said that he’s a feminist with sermons about the “need to empower women.” His 1993 book, “Woman, Thou Art Loosed” sold 2 million copies. The movie came out recently in late 2004 and in 2005, it’s gaining ground. The movie has profanity. For far too often, the mainstream “church” established uses ways that are attractive to the world to reach people.
Well, Christ didn’t try to attract himself to the world by theatrics, but the multitudes flocked to the Lord Jesus Christ to hear his message. Jakes is a liberal and supports the Democratic Party. Jakes and his ilk supported Al Gore in the 2000 Presidential election from his 26,000 member Potter’s House mega church. He laid hand son Gore as God’s anointed, but it failed since Gore didn’t become President. Jakes apparently forgotten that Gore has a pro-Gaia environmentalist views and even recently compared conservative Christians to the Taliban, which is a cowardly, disrespectful lie by him. Gore is still a shill today. Just like his father Gore Sr., who was funded by the Occidental Oil Company and tried to stop the Civil Rights bill from being passed. Jakes on CNN’s Larry King’s show praised Clinton as a great President. He called his adultery not a big deal tell everyone to leave Clinton alone.
Despite the fact that Clinton lied under oath in his impeachment debacle, aided China with our sophisticated technology, and involved in terrible crimes; Jakes wants to compromise about Clinton. Using the race card, he compared Clinton’s misconduct and criticism to the lynching of black people. That’s silly and according to many people and sources, Bill Clinton said the “N” word behind black people’s back. So, that racist, elitist Bill Clinton has no admiration from me. Prosecuting a liar under oath isn’t akin to lynching at all. Jesuit trained William Jefferson Clinton should come to really worship God instead of getting a woman’s dress stained. Jakes is also supported by the Illuminati since he’s heretical and ecumenical. Paul and Jan Crouch of TBN loves him. He’s a popular speaker at Promise Keepers and ecumenical meetings. He preaches about “cultural diversity” and also TBN’s “World of Faith” aka “name it claim it” propaganda. He lied and tells people that God wants us to be rich to be blessed.

He even used a con psychobabble forcing people to yell to God “I want my stuff!!” Jakes and his wife live in a $1.7 million mansion in a rich neighborhood next to the estate of the racist killer H.L. Hunt in Texas. He has a giant ring, wears $3,000 tailored suits, and stays in the most luxurious of hotel suits. Time Magazine called his preaching style as “Oprah in a pulpit.” According to Let Us Reason Ministries, T. D. Jakes expouses a Oneness theology from March 18, 1999. Well, Christ expressed that real riches can be found in the kingdom of God not on Earth. Being rich is not a sin, but to strive to be rich to receive spiritual blessing from God is a sin. *A rich saved man and a poor saved man are equal in the eyes of Almighty God.

$$$$$$$$$$ Joel Osteen $$$$$$$$$$
Welcome to the new crop of ministers promoting apostacy in the 21st century. Osteen preaches in mega-church in America with pomp and extravagance instead of preaching the uncompromising Word of God. Osteen had no formal Bible training (I don’t have a problem with this) and in 1981 he started the Lakewood TV ministry have from Oral Roberts University. John Osteen, his father, had a great influence on him. See, John embraced the World Faith teachings of Hagin and Kenneth Copeland. He died in 1999 by being sick. Dodie Osteen wrote Healed of Cancer claimed of a miraculous healing from mestatic cancer of the liver after doctors gave upon her.
Actually, she was healed by medicine according to Hawaii’s Let Us Reason Ministries. After John died, Joel became the Lakewood’s church minister. Now, millions of people watch Joel in this mega-church craze sweeping the nation. I’ve watched him before on TV. He appeared on Bill O’Reilly’s show and Joe Scarborough’s hourly shown on MSNBC. By 2005, the Lakewood Church central might be one of the largest religious buildings in the U.S.A. at Houston, Texas. What are Joel’s examples of compromising? Well, Joel is known to try to not emphasize people’s sin, hell, or evil in the world:
“…give people a boast for the week…I think for years there’s a been of hellfire and damnation. You go to church to figure out what you’re doing wrong and you leave feeling bad like you’re not going to make it…We believe in focusing on the goodness of God.” (Fox News, February 3, 2004, By Army C. Sims)
He wants people to be confortable and not guilty by what we’ve done wrong. Is this positive thinking mumbo gumbo or what? The Bible is full of examples of folks realizing of their sin, exposing evil, and feeling guilty before repentance. Sorry, Joel, damnation and Hell is real and we must warn people not to go there. We must tell people how to be saved with emotion if necessary. There is no repentance without us expressing sorrow for our sin, knowing that we aren’t worthy, heed warnings about Hell, and have an oppurntunity to be set free by God by faith through grace. That’s truth since God is loving, just, and wise.

Even on the Bill O’Reilly show, which I saw with my own eyes, Joel ignored O’Reilly’s question on whether Jesus was the way, the truth, and the life being the only way to God the Father. Joel Osteen refused to get into answering the question. It’s simple Joel that Christ is the Lord is the only way to heaven. Recently on Larry King (June 20,2005), Joel didn’t answer the question on whether Muslims or Jews will go to heaven. Later, he apologized saying that Christ is the only way to Heaven. On his site, he doesn’t explicitly endorse the doctrine of the Trinity and didn’t say that Christ died for our sins. Osteen believes in visualization, which is an occult technique that brings you immediately into the spirit realm that we’re forbidden to do. David Cho from Korea propularized this. Here’s Joel’s own comments on visualization:
“…“there’s power in what you visualize” take a few moments each day to visualize things you want in your life so God can bring them to pass He then tells a story about a coach and his team “Close your eyes and envision winning the game”, “they produced exactly what they saw” (Joel Osteen Nov.16,2004)
An Exegesis on Mary:
This is one of the most sensitive subjects involving Catholicism. I took special care and research in literally researching, writing by hand, typing everything on the computer, and showing it to you. This is over 30 verses strong and a good witnessing tool if you feel like bringing a Catholic to the Lord Jesus Christ in your time. It has rigid historical information as well. Enjoy Christians.
1). John 2:4,19:26,Luke 11:27-28 Christ either called Mary woman or nothing at all instead of Mother of God. If Mary wasn't called Mother of God in the Bible or the Early Church for more than 300 years, why is it necessary for Christian to call Mary by that name? You shouldn't and I follow Christs example.
Matthew 13:55-56 /Mark 6:3 Marys children are shown (Sisters are mentioned in those verses. Sister in Greek coordance of the NT means blood relative sisters not cousins.)
2). Ps. 53:3 All humans including Mary are sinners except Christ who never experienced original sin by being divine.
3). Isaiah 43:10 No one pre-existed God and there is no mother of God. Also see Micah 5:2 showing the Messiah is from everlasting without a Mother since the Messiah is God. Almighty God doesn't have a Mother. Before Mary, God the Father and God the Son already existed. Mary is just the mother of the earthly Jesus.
4). Luke 2:21-23 Mary received purification according to the Torah. If Mary is sinless from birth, why does she need purification for after childbirth? Mary is obviously a sinner.
5). Romans 8:34 Intercession is solely by Christ. Also see John 14:6 and 2 Timothy 2:4-6. There is no verse in the OT or NT for intercession by any other being but God not saints, Mary, etc.
6). 1 John 1:8-10 If you say a human (i.e. Mary) is without sin, you deceive yourself and are liars. Special devotion to Mary is therefore unnecessary because Mary is important, but she didn't die on the cross for salvation, she didn't save all humans sins, she didn't defeat Satan, didn't organize the Church. Christ accomplished these things alone without you, the apostles, anybody, or me. No man is sinless so logically to exalt a human being like that is unbiblical.
7). Romans 3:23/ Romans 5:12/ 1 Cor. 15:22/ Romans 3:10 All sin comes to all men (including Mary) by Adams fall. No one is sinless no not one except Christ (God). There is no exception for Mary since all men are mentioned or all human beings.

9). Mt. 1:24-25 Virginity of Mary ends after Christ. The word knew in the passage is the Greek word Ginosko which means to have sexual relations.
That verse alone erases any belief or idea that Mary was a virgin all of her life. So in the context, after Christs incarnation on planet Earth, its very possible for Mary and Joseph to have sexual relations and conceive children. Also, the word firstborn in the passage in the Greek is Prototokos meaning firstborn before others and head of the family.
The word firstborn can mean that Jesus wasn't the only child, because why wouldn't there be also an only child of Mary mentioned in the Bible instead of firstborn of Mary if Mary was truly conceived no other children but Christ? The reason is that Jesus Christ has half-brothers (brothers) and half-sisters (sisters) that were younger than Him, for he was the firstborn. There is also no mention of Joseph having children before being married to Mary. This is also against what the Bible says about Jesus. (Since firstborn is mentioned its possible children can be conceived by Mary and Joseph.)
10). Psalm 69:6-9 Messianic prophecy showing Christs half-brothers and sisters. In that time it literally describes Davids trials, but it does show signs of a prophetic significance because the Psalm mentions they hate me without a cause and stranger among my brethren. It alludes to Christ in the future because David is the lineage of Christ.
11). Ezekiel 18:4 Mary died since she was sinful. There is no early church historical or biblical evidence for the Assumption of Mary.
It wasn't an official dogma of Catholicism until 1950 and that's blaspheming Christs only ascension to heaven by his own power. Other people in the OT have ascended, but not by there own power. See also Psalm 148:4-13 saying that the Lord has glory and is exalted above heaven and Earth also praised above all. Giving glory to Mary is not necessary. The perpetual virginity and the assumption of Mary existed from apocryphal literature in the early centuries.
12). John 3:6 Mary is born of flesh and blood and is in need to be born again just like everyone else.
13). Romans 5:18 By one man (Adam) judgment came to all men (plus Mary), but by one man (Jesus Christ) human beings can have a chance to receive eternal life.
14). Galatians 1:18-19 The brother of Jesus is mentioned making Mary no an Ever virgin.
15). Hebrews 7:26 Christ only totally is undefiled and holy not Mary.
16). Romans 5:19 Solely one man (Jesus Christ) was sinless to save people. No other human but Christ who is man and God is involved with grace, salvation, mercy, and other spiritual items. Mary wasn't involved with none of it. 0. Zilch. See also Gen. 3:15-16. That verse says if Mary is the woman of Rev. 12 as Catholics say, it describes her birth pains, which according to the Bible is a judgment on females by the fall making Mary a sinner.
17). Psalm 51:5/ Luke 1:30:46-47 Mary realized she was in need of a savior therefore being sinful and no human is sinless except Christ who is man and God. Only sinners need a savior. Christ is sinless and he Savior of all mankind. If Mary were without sin from birth onward, she wouldn't need a savior since no sin would influence or stain her. Also see John 2:1-5.

19). Eph. 2:3/ Ps. 51:5 Even infants, including Mary inherit original sin, but infants are not accounted for sin though by not knowing right from wrong at birth. See Psalm 58:3 for more on this issue. Infants and young children automatically go to heaven if they die by that one exception.
20). St. John 1:14 Only God is full of grace and truth. Mary isn't full of grace. Note: Mainly the Douay Rhiems Version (Catholic English Bible) shows full of grace in Luke, but most Bible versions show favored one or thou art highly favored instead. The words of John mentioning full of grace for Christ in Greek is pleerees charitos. So either Mary or Christ possesses that attribute not both. Jesus has it solely by the evidence.
Its very interesting to note that many pagan religions of Ancient America, Babylon, Egypt, China, Rome, Ephesus, etc had concept of the icon of the Mother and child long before Roman Catholicisms existence. The utilization of her in a Mediatrix of Graces or Ever-Virgin came from many pagan religions. Its typical to see it found in Roman Catholicism.
21). Luke 1:46-48 Note Mary says his name is Holy and his mercy is on those who fear Him (God). Notice she says God is Holy not herself and mentions mercy. God making Mary far from perfect only gives mercy to sinners (including Mary since Mary is a sinner as well). 2 Peter 2:22-23 says Christ alone has no sin. Giving Mary excelled glory, etc is not required for salvation neither does it effect your salvation, so why is it necessary to call her sinless, etc.
22). Jeremiah 7:18/ Jeremiah 44:17 The Queen of Heaven concept is forbidden which is a nickname utilized about Mary in some Catholic circles.
23). Gen. 6:8/ Acts 6:8/ Eph. 1:6/ Mt. 25:34/ Ex. 33:12/ Ezra 9:8/ Ps. 84:11, 2 Cor. 9:8, Romans 6:15 Other people including Mary are bestowed grace or blessed no just Mary alone. The term chariots means bestowed grace used for Mary and other cases. Blessed in Greek is eulogia meaning to be well spoken off Does that denote perpetual virginity or sinlessness? Not likely in that circumstance.
24). Mt. 2:11,13, 14, 20,21 When Jesus and Mary are mentioned together, Jesus always acquires the greatest emphasis. Jesus not Mary should have your focus solely.
25). Ps. 84:11 All believers are given grace not just Mary representing the sinfulness of Mary. That statement proves equality of believers in God and Gods word. See also 2 Cor. 9:8 and Rom. 6:15. Ruth 3:13 say Ruth was given favor like a handmaid similar to Mary in Luke (More confirmation of equality between Ruth, Mary, and all believers in Christ).
26). Judges 5:24 Jael is blessed above women in which is similar to Mary being blessed among women. Mary is chosen in preference to all women not men. Grace shown is from the Greek word kecharitomene referring to God graced or given favor. Being grace is a result of being sinful (if someone is sinless, being given grace would be pointless since that person has no stain to merit grace) making Mary not sinless and validates the equality of all believers in Christ.
Gods preference to Mary was not because Mary is sinless, but to fulfill prophecy, etc. Mary was Jewish, a virgin, with the lineage of Levi (Judah-Abraham), and other reasons God choose her. It has nothing to do with superiority over all women. God chooses men and women for specific purposes, but it isn't implied that they are better or greater than anyone else. Mary is the mother of the earthly Jesus and shes very important not sinless. See also Acts 1:14 saying Its the last time Mary is mentioned in scripture while she is in a prayer meeting with 120 disciples. None of them honored her; none of them reverence her, none of them prayed to or through her. God is no respecter of persons.
27). Luke 11:27-28 Blessed are people who follow Christ instead of Mary (Mary even admitted this truth). See also Mt. 12:48-50 where Jesus said whosoever shall do the will of my Father is like my brother, sister, and mother.

29). Luke 1:34 When the angel Gabriel first appeared to her and announced the savior would be conceived in her womb, she responded, how can this be since I do not know a man. Mary asked by the angel what manner of greeting is this? If she was sinless, certainly she would have known and understands why she had been selected for this honor she is sinful as a result of that and tons of other reasons.
Now in church history, the whole early church didn't all believed in Immaculate Conception or the Assumption of Mary. Origen, Jovinus, Helvidus, Waldensians, Anabaptists, etc denied it. Polycarp, Ignatius, Barbanas, Papais, Polycrates, the apostles, and Jesus Christ never mentioned a word on such a heretical concept.
Tertullian in his Treatise on the Soul at Chapter 41 explicitly called God who is Christ as having no sin at all. Mary isn't produced to be sinless or immaculate in that literature at all. Clement of Alexandria in his The Instructor at Book 1, Chapter 2 said that the Word is sinless without making any mention of Mary. Many of the apocryphal works and the Council of Ephesus (431 AD.) were the main factors in causing the exalted, unbiblical titles of Mary (i.e. Mother of God) to be utilized.
One source from Ephaream from Syria (in the 300s-400s) is probably the main early church literature Papists use to attempt to promote the lie that Mary is an ever-virgin and sinless. Even Thomas Aquinas didn't believe in Immaculate Conception (yet today, Catholic apologists are disputing that in theology research). The Franciscan friars in the 1300s are the main individuals who are responsible for making that lie in Catholic doctrine making it mandatory for Catholics to follow.
Later, Catholicism used it as an article of their faith including the Assumption of Mary by the 1800s. Gradual development caused the formation of those 2 doctrines. What Catholic apologists don't tell you is that in 495 AD, Pope Gelasius issued a decree, which rejected the Assumption of Mary as heresy and its proponents as heretics.
In the sixth century, Pope Hormisdas also condemned as heretics those authors who taught against the doctrine of the Assumption of Mary. Even the early Catholic Church considered the doctrine of the Assumption of Mary as heresy. Wow. There are 2 so-called infallible popes declaring modern Catholic dogma a heresy. Also Pope Leo I, Pope Gelasius, and Pope Innocent III all denied that Mary was sinless only giving Christ the designation of being the immaculate lamb. Wow. How ironic. Now we see new claims of Catholic apologists.
Today, they claim that the Reformers believed Mary was sinless, etc. Now only some of the Reformers (Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, and Billinger mainly) subscribed to that belief and not all. The Protestants Reformers weren't perfect in every single way as history shows. Tyndale, Rogers, Wycliffe, and other Reformers showed no signs of believing in that at all. No individual or a movement account for Bible believers perception of God only God and his word. Catholic apologists today are more desperate than ever to lie about Mary and the true church.
30). Luke 2:47-52 Mary and Joseph didnt understand Christs words. If Mary were sinless, she would easily understand Christs sayings since one who is sinless would know Gods ways and wont need an explanation to concepts. Its sin that corrupts ones understanding of spiritual things or ideals.
31). Leviticus 20:27 Praying through or to a being in another dimension is necromancy and forbidden by God in the O.T. and in the N.T. since that's moral law. When someone passes on after death no one (whether it be saved or unsaved people existing on earth) should communicate with that being. The only communicate with another being in another dimension is God who is infinite and exists in both realms. The only communication with another being in another dimension is God who is infinite and exists in both realms. God can easily forgive prayer and intercede with Mary or the saints. The denial of the invocation of the saints, Mary, etc is biblical.
32). Gen. 3:13-15 Now this is one prophecy Catholics use to validate Mary being sinless. Now in that verse, there is no explicit showing of Immaculate Conception let alone the sinlessness of Mary. That verse shows the seed of woman crushing the head of Satan. Mary is important, but not sinless or an ever virgin or sinless.
No human is sinless except Christ who is God and man. The head of the serpent is to be bruised by the seed of the woman, who is the Saviour, Jesus Christ and not crushed by the woman (Mary). You will also see that the bruise that the serpent will inflict is to his heel. The seed is of course masculine because of, our Saviour is Jesus Christ not Mary. Enmity is mentioned meaning eybah from Hebrew and it means hostility or hatred. Christ alone accomplished the crushing of Satan without Marys assistance at all. There is not one word in that verse or the Bible as a whole showing preservation of any human form sin or preserved to be sinless. (Only Christ as man and God is 100% purely sinless from everlasting to everlasting.)
33). John 2:2-4 Mary said whatsoever he saith unto you do it. Here is a verse that Mary commanded believers to follow Christ alone. The exalted titles of Mary or veneration or adoration of her is therefore very unnecessary because Christ is the being alone by all believers to follow and worship.
34). Matthew 1:20/ Luke 1:35 Jesus Christ is the only one who was not conceived by natural means, but by the Holy Spirit. 2 human parents, on the other hand, conceived Mary, and both parents were sinners making Mary a sinner for being a human being. No human other than Jesus Christ (who is human and divine) is sinless and you can find this directly and explicitly throughout the OT and NT.
35). Luke 1:41-45 In those verses, we see that Elisabeth greeting Mary and recognizing that she is blessed for being the mother of the Lord. But Elisabeth didn't venerate or bowed before Mary neither did she give Mary any recognition of worship towards Mary. She only knew what was occurring. (Mary being involved in the incarnation of Christ was only a sinful vessel, etc. and that it was the Lord who should be worshipped and no other entity.)
By TruthSeeker
June 24, 2003
8:16 am. EST
This is a good post. I specially like your comment about it being hard for a rich man to enter heaven. I would also like to point out that none of the apostles were rich either. If Jesus meant for all of us to be rich, they if anyone would have known that. People need to realize that this doctrine is false. Keep up the good work. (Though, this is rather long. How about dividing it in separate post next time ^_^)
Thanks for you words.
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