Thursday, October 16, 2008

Zeitgiest commentary by other people (not me)


To most people this title will sound like an oxymoron, how could Zeitgeist The Movie benefit the New World Order? After all, they are exposing the 911 conspiracy, and the Federal Reserve system. That wouldnt be beneficial at all to them right? That depends on what you think their ultimate goal is. I will submit for your consideration that a world government and reduction of the population is only the beginning of their plans for us. I suggest that, by them being the suppliers of the best conspiracy information available, they gain the trust and attention of the only people that are smart enough, awake enough, left to stop them. They then focus our desire to rebel against another target, usually a target they themselves want destroyed. This system of disinformation is becoming more frequent now that certain truths (like the 911 and Federal reserve stuff) are already well past their ability to control. So they use them for their own purpose, maby they always intended too.

Im not sure. Let me first point out that Zeitgeist part one (the religion part) has well over 50 factual errors. Some of them are pointed out at this website which offers cash rewards to anyone that can offer historical evidence concerning many of the claims zeitgeist makes. Here are a few more links of people clearly showing that zeitgeist has lied several times in their movie in order to give credibility to their views.

I know that it is easy to believe the things claimed in the movie, especially if you have been a conspiracy nut (like me) for any length of time, because we have heard Jordan Maxwell, David Icke, and Michael Tsarion, (all closely, and oddly connected btw) have all told us these things are true for so long that I never really saw any reason to look it up for myself. Once I did however I started noticing some serious problems in our “truth movement” not the least of which is that a majority of us are being sold the “New Age” and or freemasonic doctrine hook line and sinker just shortly after we awaken to the “real world.” We have been told over and over that Christianity is our enemy in this new world, and that all the wars and problems of our past are because of this oppressive force. This is basically reverse psychology, to decode it, simply understand that the Vatican and the catholic church are in direct opposition to Christianity in word and in deed. The illuminati types may well have created or infiltrated this organization as a mask, from under which they have done all their dirty work for hundreds of years. In this way they were able to use our natural resistance to oppression and injustice against us, against our perceptions of Christianity. But they didn’t create Christianity at all, they took it over after 350 years of trying to eliminate it. With the catholic church they basically created a monster intended to be the object of our natural resistance to them. It isn’t now, nor has it ever been representative of the true Christianity, of which they have a well documented history of trying to eliminate completely. So how does Zeitgeist the movie help the New World Order? You can probably can see that a world government would go over a lot smoother if there were a new world religion. But that is impossible right? How would they pull that off? World religions cannot come about without some kind of serious major event, like for instance aliens showing up and telling us they are our gods or something like that. Hence, the reality of aliens equals world religion and world government, and thanks to the Rockefeller propaganda machine (War of the worlds etc.), it will also mean the persecution of Christians openly and proudly. Its really a win win situation for them. Know that the Rockefeller’s are behind so many of the projects intended to shape our perception of our alien “space brothers” ask yourself why. While Zeitgeist does not bring the alien factor in to play, it is nonetheless prepping us for this by neutralizing those of us that are aware of this shadow government by creating yet another alternate false reality, to keep those that have the potential to stop them and their ultimate goal, by getting them to fight the wrong enemy. They use someone like George Bush who is obviously not a Christian (google skull and bones bohemian grove etc) to be dangled in front of those people as a representative of Christianity, he has been given a blank check by his controllers to cause as many problems as possible because the net result of it is more distaste toward Christianity, (this is two fold because they need everything to crash, and for us to go into ww3 in order to bring in their system) so like many things they do, it is multi faceted. We need to and to think logically about this, I mean If the N W O are trying to get us to be Christians so bad so they can control us why are the school systems they push so anti Christian? And why if what Zeitgeist says is true do they need to make so many factual “mistakes”. Why do certain types of conspiracy teachers tell the same easily debunked lie? Many people disregard what I have said here because I am a Christian. To that I say, take the zeitgeist challenge and see that you are being lied to, that is a start, because if you can see that this very common conspiracy rhetoric is completely false, you will begin (like I did) to question those people telling you the lies. I feel we don’t have much time please help spread this message if you feel strongly about it. repost the video or this article and help us put the truth back the truth movement.


This film is thought provoking, especially in the beginning, but then veers off course and becomes stupid. The Venus Project stuff is a load of crap.

The film is dead wrong in suggesting that the profit motive is the root of all corruption. The truth is that governmental force and coercion are the fundamental source of our problems, a position that this film does not address.

It's ridiculous to contend that the concept of scarcity is irrelevant, and everything falls apart from that notion forward. Scarcity is and always will be centrally relevant to human existence, and free market capitalism is the best way to allocate resources efficiently IF the coercive intervention of government power can be limited.

Also, the Venus Project people seem to take for granted that they are qualified to be the arbiters of the "best" way of life for people. When they talk about all crime etc. disappearing under their one-world government it makes me shudder. I wonder what they would do with people who didn't fit into their utopian vision. Re-education camps I'm sure.

Anyone who thinks the Venus Project vision of central planning using to allocate resources is a good idea should research China's Great Leap Forward, which had a similar view of how "amazing technology" would benefit the people.

The technologies that were enforced ended up causing mass starvation. For example:
"On the communes, a number of radical and controversial agricultural innovations were promoted at the behest of Mao. Many of these were based on the ideas of now discredited Soviet biologist Trofim Lysenko and his followers. The policies included close cropping, whereby seeds were sown far more densely than normal on the incorrect assumption that seeds of the same class would not compete with each other. Deep plowing (up to 2m deep) was encouraged on the mistaken belief that this would yield plants with extra large root systems. Even more disastrously it was argued that a proportion of fields should be left unploughed."


The Venus Project's one-world government view of eliminating all competition is simple COMMUNISM warmed over for a new generation.



Originally Posted by social engineer
The movie started by establishing the fraud of the US monetary system, which it applied to the IMF and World Bank, and then extended to the global corporate empire that is raping the world through "capitalism" and "free trade".

True capitalism and free trade were thus demonized.

It stated that all systems that are based on money are inherently corrupt, whether it be socialism, fascism, capitalism, or communism, but I believe that it stated that capitalism is supposed to be the worst.

It stated that people need to create a system that is "based on resources" so that there is "no competition", and then people can solve every problem with technology.

It argued that trying to change politics is useless, because in a "monetary system" everything is inherently corrupt, and supporting Ron Paul is particularly useless evidently.

Zeitgeist Addendum also wants everyone to give up their religions, so that the whole world can focus on the "collective cosmic conscience".

This is classic NWO propaganda.

For those of you who aren't aware, the international banksters financed the Bolshevik Revolution and created Communism, when Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff financed Leon Trotsky in New York.

This "resource-based technocratic utopia" tripe is just the latest version of the propaganda that they will use to create global fascism by manipulating all sides of civilization.

Please compare these forms of propaganda to the actual tenets of the original Bavarian Illuminati, which was established by Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776:

•Abolition of monarchies
•Abolition of ordered government
•Abolition of private property
•Abolition of nationalism
•Abolition of marriage
•Abolition of religion
•The communal education of children

NWO = Jesuits + Zionists + Knights of Malta


Michael Tsarion


Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


Part 5


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