Thursday, October 16, 2008

Zeitgiest commentary by other people (not me)


To most people this title will sound like an oxymoron, how could Zeitgeist The Movie benefit the New World Order? After all, they are exposing the 911 conspiracy, and the Federal Reserve system. That wouldnt be beneficial at all to them right? That depends on what you think their ultimate goal is. I will submit for your consideration that a world government and reduction of the population is only the beginning of their plans for us. I suggest that, by them being the suppliers of the best conspiracy information available, they gain the trust and attention of the only people that are smart enough, awake enough, left to stop them. They then focus our desire to rebel against another target, usually a target they themselves want destroyed. This system of disinformation is becoming more frequent now that certain truths (like the 911 and Federal reserve stuff) are already well past their ability to control. So they use them for their own purpose, maby they always intended too.

Im not sure. Let me first point out that Zeitgeist part one (the religion part) has well over 50 factual errors. Some of them are pointed out at this website which offers cash rewards to anyone that can offer historical evidence concerning many of the claims zeitgeist makes. Here are a few more links of people clearly showing that zeitgeist has lied several times in their movie in order to give credibility to their views.

I know that it is easy to believe the things claimed in the movie, especially if you have been a conspiracy nut (like me) for any length of time, because we have heard Jordan Maxwell, David Icke, and Michael Tsarion, (all closely, and oddly connected btw) have all told us these things are true for so long that I never really saw any reason to look it up for myself. Once I did however I started noticing some serious problems in our “truth movement” not the least of which is that a majority of us are being sold the “New Age” and or freemasonic doctrine hook line and sinker just shortly after we awaken to the “real world.” We have been told over and over that Christianity is our enemy in this new world, and that all the wars and problems of our past are because of this oppressive force. This is basically reverse psychology, to decode it, simply understand that the Vatican and the catholic church are in direct opposition to Christianity in word and in deed. The illuminati types may well have created or infiltrated this organization as a mask, from under which they have done all their dirty work for hundreds of years. In this way they were able to use our natural resistance to oppression and injustice against us, against our perceptions of Christianity. But they didn’t create Christianity at all, they took it over after 350 years of trying to eliminate it. With the catholic church they basically created a monster intended to be the object of our natural resistance to them. It isn’t now, nor has it ever been representative of the true Christianity, of which they have a well documented history of trying to eliminate completely. So how does Zeitgeist the movie help the New World Order? You can probably can see that a world government would go over a lot smoother if there were a new world religion. But that is impossible right? How would they pull that off? World religions cannot come about without some kind of serious major event, like for instance aliens showing up and telling us they are our gods or something like that. Hence, the reality of aliens equals world religion and world government, and thanks to the Rockefeller propaganda machine (War of the worlds etc.), it will also mean the persecution of Christians openly and proudly. Its really a win win situation for them. Know that the Rockefeller’s are behind so many of the projects intended to shape our perception of our alien “space brothers” ask yourself why. While Zeitgeist does not bring the alien factor in to play, it is nonetheless prepping us for this by neutralizing those of us that are aware of this shadow government by creating yet another alternate false reality, to keep those that have the potential to stop them and their ultimate goal, by getting them to fight the wrong enemy. They use someone like George Bush who is obviously not a Christian (google skull and bones bohemian grove etc) to be dangled in front of those people as a representative of Christianity, he has been given a blank check by his controllers to cause as many problems as possible because the net result of it is more distaste toward Christianity, (this is two fold because they need everything to crash, and for us to go into ww3 in order to bring in their system) so like many things they do, it is multi faceted. We need to and to think logically about this, I mean If the N W O are trying to get us to be Christians so bad so they can control us why are the school systems they push so anti Christian? And why if what Zeitgeist says is true do they need to make so many factual “mistakes”. Why do certain types of conspiracy teachers tell the same easily debunked lie? Many people disregard what I have said here because I am a Christian. To that I say, take the zeitgeist challenge and see that you are being lied to, that is a start, because if you can see that this very common conspiracy rhetoric is completely false, you will begin (like I did) to question those people telling you the lies. I feel we don’t have much time please help spread this message if you feel strongly about it. repost the video or this article and help us put the truth back the truth movement.


This film is thought provoking, especially in the beginning, but then veers off course and becomes stupid. The Venus Project stuff is a load of crap.

The film is dead wrong in suggesting that the profit motive is the root of all corruption. The truth is that governmental force and coercion are the fundamental source of our problems, a position that this film does not address.

It's ridiculous to contend that the concept of scarcity is irrelevant, and everything falls apart from that notion forward. Scarcity is and always will be centrally relevant to human existence, and free market capitalism is the best way to allocate resources efficiently IF the coercive intervention of government power can be limited.

Also, the Venus Project people seem to take for granted that they are qualified to be the arbiters of the "best" way of life for people. When they talk about all crime etc. disappearing under their one-world government it makes me shudder. I wonder what they would do with people who didn't fit into their utopian vision. Re-education camps I'm sure.

Anyone who thinks the Venus Project vision of central planning using to allocate resources is a good idea should research China's Great Leap Forward, which had a similar view of how "amazing technology" would benefit the people.

The technologies that were enforced ended up causing mass starvation. For example:
"On the communes, a number of radical and controversial agricultural innovations were promoted at the behest of Mao. Many of these were based on the ideas of now discredited Soviet biologist Trofim Lysenko and his followers. The policies included close cropping, whereby seeds were sown far more densely than normal on the incorrect assumption that seeds of the same class would not compete with each other. Deep plowing (up to 2m deep) was encouraged on the mistaken belief that this would yield plants with extra large root systems. Even more disastrously it was argued that a proportion of fields should be left unploughed."


The Venus Project's one-world government view of eliminating all competition is simple COMMUNISM warmed over for a new generation.



Originally Posted by social engineer
The movie started by establishing the fraud of the US monetary system, which it applied to the IMF and World Bank, and then extended to the global corporate empire that is raping the world through "capitalism" and "free trade".

True capitalism and free trade were thus demonized.

It stated that all systems that are based on money are inherently corrupt, whether it be socialism, fascism, capitalism, or communism, but I believe that it stated that capitalism is supposed to be the worst.

It stated that people need to create a system that is "based on resources" so that there is "no competition", and then people can solve every problem with technology.

It argued that trying to change politics is useless, because in a "monetary system" everything is inherently corrupt, and supporting Ron Paul is particularly useless evidently.

Zeitgeist Addendum also wants everyone to give up their religions, so that the whole world can focus on the "collective cosmic conscience".

This is classic NWO propaganda.

For those of you who aren't aware, the international banksters financed the Bolshevik Revolution and created Communism, when Rothschild agent Jacob Schiff financed Leon Trotsky in New York.

This "resource-based technocratic utopia" tripe is just the latest version of the propaganda that they will use to create global fascism by manipulating all sides of civilization.

Please compare these forms of propaganda to the actual tenets of the original Bavarian Illuminati, which was established by Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776:

•Abolition of monarchies
•Abolition of ordered government
•Abolition of private property
•Abolition of nationalism
•Abolition of marriage
•Abolition of religion
•The communal education of children

NWO = Jesuits + Zionists + Knights of Malta


Michael Tsarion


Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


Part 5


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Zeitgeist 2: Theosophy, Socialism, and The new NWO

Zeitgeist 2: Theosophy, Socialism, and The new NWO

Chris White
October 15, 2008

Timing is everything.
On September 29,
the United States stock market crashed, falling 777 points. Just in time for the fallout, a worldwide financial collapse, the movie Zeitgeist Addendum was released. The film, right on cue, explains the obvious, how a flawed financial system failed, and how it exploited the hard work, savings and investments of all of those that lost their money to this system. It simultaneously heaps blame on free markets and religion, while calling for a global shift in consciousness.

This new paradigm is of course an old paradigm. It’s an open call for socialism. One need look no further than Karl Marx to see the parallels between Zeitgeist Addendum’s linking a distaste for free markets and religion. This should set off some rather loud alarm bells in the minds of patriotic and freedom loving Americans.

Most of those that have been actively observing the global elite have likewise understand that a pre-planned financial crash has been in the works for some time. Nickolas Sarozky president of the EU says he wants a new global economic system to rise out of the ashes of this crash which, in his own words is expressed as a "new world.” order.

Zeitgeist Addendum seems to further the cause for this New World Order, neo-socialist paradigm. With America politicians and representatives ignoring the masses and passing off the debt of banks on to the general public, one can see the seeds of new world socialism emerging right here in America. It’s no coincidence that just as the New World Order beings implementing marxist thought in so called free countries, Zeitgeist Addendum shows up to incite the masses in a global call for marxism.

If one should prefer to save 2 hours and skip watching Zeitgeist Addendum, its proposals are clearly spelled out in a relatively unknown book entitled “The Externalization of the Hierarchy” written by Alice Bailey. Actually Bailey claimed to have channeled an “Ascended Master” known as “the Tibetan” or Djwhal Khul who penned the book through her.

Bailey was also the founder of the theosophical Lucifer Trust (later changed to Lucis Trust). Please note, that the solution to the faltering global economy offered by Zeitgeist Addendum is "The Venus Project." Venus, also known as the morning star is synonymous with the term Lucifer.

Some of the highlights from Bailey’s The Externalization of the Heirarchy include the following:


"The problem of money will have to be faced; the problem of the distribution of wealth - whether natural or human - will need careful handling and a compromise reached between those nations which possess unlimited resources and those who have few or none; the problem of the varying forms of national government must be faced with courage and insight; the restoration - psychological, spiritual and physical - of mankind must constitute a primary responsibility. The sense of security must be put on a firm basis - the basis of right relationship, and not the basis of force. Men must feel secure because they are seeking to develop international goodwill and can trust each other, and are not therefore dependent upon the strength of their armies and fleets."

For those that have seen Zeitgeist Addendum, this should sound familiar, as it is the basis for the
entire film.

Bailey’s EOTH also includes specifics as to the nature of the New World Order and the following are just some of the links between Bailey’s work and Zeitgeist Addendum:


“The new world order will recognize that the produce of the world, the natural resources of the planet and its riches, belong to no one nation but should be shared by all. There will be no nations under the category "haves" and others under the opposite category. A fair and properly organized distribution of the wheat, the oil and the mineral wealth of the world will be developed, based upon the needs of each nation, upon its own internal resources and the requirements of its people. All this will be worked out in relation to the whole.”

“The new world order will be founded on the recognition that all men are equal in origin and goal but that all are at differing stages of evolutionary development; that personal integrity, intelligence, vision and experience, plus a marked goodwill, should indicate leadership. The domination of the proletariat over the aristocracy and bourgeoisie, as in Russia, or the domination of an entrenched aristocracy over the proletariat and middle classes, as has been until lately the case in Great Britain, must disappear. The control of labor by capital or the control of capital by labor must also go.”

“In the new world order, the governing body in any nation should be composed of those who work for the greatest good of the greatest number and who at the same time offer opportunity to all, seeing to it that the individual is left free. Today the men of vision are achieving recognition, thus making possible a right choice of leaders. It was not possible until this century.”

“The new world order will be founded on an active sense of responsibility. The rule will be "all for one and one for all." This attitude among nations will have to be developed. It is not yet present.”

“In the preparatory period for the new world order there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. No nation will be permitted to produce and organize any equipment for destructive purposes or to infringe the security of any other nation. One of the first tasks of any future peace conference will be to regulate this matter and gradually see to the disarming of the nations.”

“These are the simple and general premises upon which the new world order must begin its work. These preliminary stages must be kept fluid and experimental; the vision of possibility must never be lost, and the foundations must be preserved inviolate, but the intermediate processes and the experimentations must be carried forward by men who, having the best interests of the whole at heart, can change the detail of organization whilst preserving the life of the organism.”

One should first take into consideration the many similarities between Bailey and the marxist propaganda espoused in Zeitgeist Addendum. It is then a much simpler task to view the film’s open call for global socialism as one and the same as the New World Theosophical religious and social order being so aptly adhered to by the high level occultists that are, in fact the global elite.
In doing so, the following information should come as no shock and simply, further proof of collusion between two seemingly opposite groups. As you can see, they are no more opposite than Republican and Democrat. Outwardly so yes, but certainly behind the scenes both are controlled by the same invisible hand.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

The Venus Project which has already in name been linked to Lucifer, is obviously a socialist movement. Founded by Jacque Fresco, upon first glance it may appear similar to one of the multitude of ill fated hippy communes of the 1960’s. But upon further study, it too is rooted in the same NWO/Occult/Theosophical belief structure.

One of the basic premises of The Venus Project is that we work towards having all of the Earth’s resources as the common heritage of all the world’s people. Anything less will simply result in a continuation of the same catalog of problems inherent in the present system.”

This is exactly what Bailey wrote of in The Externalization of the Hierarchy. The links between The Venus Project and the essence of Secret Societies does however run even deeper than the call for a communistic sharing of world resources.

33rd degree masonic author Manley P Hall said of America’s link to the new Atlantis, “The New Atlantis sets forth an ideal government of the earth. It foretells that day when in the midst of men there shall rise up a vast institution composed of the philosophic elect — an order of illumined men banded together for the purpose of investigating the laws of life and the mysteries of the universe … The age of boundaries is closing, and we are approaching a nobler era when nations shall be no more; when the lines of race and caste shall be wiped out; when the whole earth shall be under one order, one government, one administrative body." -Manly P Hall "Lectures on
Ancient Philosophy," published by the Philosophical Research Society Inc, Los Angeles (1970)”

Hall, along side of Rosicrucians like Francis Bacon, clearly defined the New World Order’s drive to recreate Atlantis, and this theme clearly “resurfaces” in Fresco’s “architecture”, specifically in his “Circular City”. (pictured on the right)

The Circular City image (above) is one that is notably comparable to artistic visions of Atlantis based upon Plato’s description of the sunken city (below).


Another warning sign of Fresco’s New World Order mentality is
his desire to see technology steering mankind’s destiny. Many
patriots shiver at the idea of biometric identification, specifically
the idea of implantable microchips that could be used to track and
control humans in ways up until recently only envisioned in the
Bible. Fresco’s vision for the future of humanity goes well beyond
that of a simple microchip implant. He foresees humanity needing
to merge with machine or else risk de-evolution.


“When biological technology becomes further advanced, human beings as we know them, will become a modified species. If we as human beings fail to include the possibility of this development in our overall, social evolution we will witness the decline of our species” -Jacque Fresco The Best that Money Can’t buy, Beyond Politics, Poverty, & War.

These are not mere coincidences. While seemingly “revolutionary” in thought, Fresco and his school of thought as espoused by the Zeitgeist vision of rebellion against the system are part and parcel of the same social upheaval being called for, not by humanitarians, but by those that have
been planning for the New World Order from it’s earliest stages.

It should also be noted that Zeitgeist Addendum begins and ends with speaking from Krisnamurti who was raised from boyhood by the Theosophical Society to be a "world teacher". Even though he broke from the group after declining to be the messiah he maintained a friendly relationship by most accounts.

This is not unlike others within the “Truth Movement” such as Michael Tsarion, who openly admits he was, from an early age taught by theosophist if not raised by them. [url=****************************/phpbb3_aux/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=998&st=0&sk=t&sd=a]his connections to the group[/url] are quite interesting.

This peculiar affinity with the occult is nothing out of the ordinary with Zeitgeist. Part 1 of the initial Zeitgeist film was based on the work of a man that loved theosophy so much he apprently named himself Jordan Maxwell after Helena Blavatsky’s "Jordanus Maximus". (see also Debunking Jordan Maxwell)

Before discounting the political power of Theosophy and its desire to infiltrate the truth seekers you need to understand its concept of seed groups. These groups were sent forth to work in stealth so as to be nurtured without competition from those that would see them for what they truly are. When one wonders how or why anyone offering truth about the occult could in fact be
part of the New World Order, they need look no further than Alice Bailey.

One of the most specific goals of the theosophist, as dictated in The Externalization of the Hierarchy is the following:


“The education of the advanced thinkers, of the aspirants and world disciples in applied knowledge, expressed wisdom and occult understanding. This group synthesizes all that is available in the other two groups and thus forms the nucleus of the Kingdom of God, of the fifth kingdom which is so rapidly coming into being.”

According to the Theosophy, starting with it’s founder Blavatsky, god is really Lucifer. This is luciferian theology, not Christian doctrine.


“The devil is now called Darkness by the Church, whereas, in the Bible he is called the "Son of God", the bright star of the early morning, Lucifer. There is a whole philosophy of dogmatic craft in the reason why the first Archangel, who sprang from the depths of Chaos, was called Lux (Lucifer), the "Luminous Son of the Morning," or man- vantaric Dawn. He was transformed by the Church into Lucifer or Satan, because he is higher and older than Jehovah, and had to be sacrificed to the new dogma. -Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine

Zeitgeist Addendum held over one central theme from its predecessor, that Jesus was and is just another name for all of the other gods of antiquity. Unfortunately in Zeitgeist’s extensive reference material webpage and/or reference book there is nothing that specifically backs up any of these claims.
If you can prove the claims in Part 1 of
Zeitgeist, by all means follow the links and win yourself some money.

There is actually a good reason why theosophy wants to particularly discredit this on particular religion this youtube video by a non-christian sums it up nicely.

It should be noted that any critical thinker can’t help but to agree with many of the practical points and issues raised in the Zeitgeist Addendum. It is however, so very important to be cautious about who we as truth seekers run to while trying to seek understanding in these confusing times.

The key to understanding why the New World Order has chosen to expose itself lies in Bailey’s Externalization of the Heirarchy.

“The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience. The new world order must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding.”

You know about Bohemian Grove. You know the signs and symbols that prove the elitists working towards a New World Order are part of a luciferian death cult. Now you need to ask yourself why those working to expose the New World Order are also linked to the same luciferian and occult beliefs.

The New World Order seems to have emerged to play the scapegoat for the order that will follow it. This second world order is the Theosophists’ Kingdom of God. Blavatsky told us who their god is. It is Lucifer. And how better a way to have a luciferian antichrist arrive on the scene, to be taken seriously by all as he crushes the New World Order, seemingly rescuing all of humanity
from the clutches of its tyrannical all seeing eye.

Some more interesting articles on Zeitgeist 2 Addendum

Zeitgeist 2 propagandizing natural law!!;u=1439;sa=showPosts

Zeitgeist Addendum = Steaming Pile of NWO Propaganda

Alex Jones Tv:Zeitgeist Addendum"The Review"1/3

My take on Zeitgeist: Addendum and The Venus Project.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Da Vinci Code

From This is the link.

Da Vinci Code
LIES, Blasphemy, Antichrist Damnable Heresy, Dangerous, Demonic, Satanic
By Jim Searcy

The Da Vinci Code was written for those who love blasphemy, and those who do not know or care what blasphemy is. This one FICTION book will TRY to convince you of all these Satanic occult LIES - the lie that Jesus was not God - the lie that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had children - the lie that The Bible is not the Word of God - the lie that The Apostles and early Church invented the Sound Doctrines of Christianity for the purpose of controlling the masses - the lie that The Church conspired to hide the truth - the lie that the true historical facts are wrong and need to be revised. One book will try to convince you of all of these BIG LIES, and get you to also be a blasphemer and BIG Liar, and make you ridiculously ignorant, and confused regarding the most important facts of history, all in just one demonically inspired book. Such a book was waiting for the last days of the great apostasy. The Da Vinci Code will be a benchmark standard of PROOF, in terms of a book to prove the great falling away from THE Faith, the great apostasy, and the great tribulation antichrist war on the SAINTS.

The apostles and disciples certainly did NOT die believing that Jesus was just a prophet or great teacher. The apostles and disciples died in defense of The Messiah's claim to be the Son of God who came to save the world. The crime for which Messiah was delivered to be Crucified on that Wednesday, Nissan 14, 30AD was that of EXPLICITLY CLAIMING TO BE THE I AM, THE SON OF GOD, WHO WAS SENT BY GOD THE FATHER TO SAVE THE WORLD. Jesus Christ, Yeshua THE Messiah, proved that claim by His RESURRECTION on Saturday, Nissan 17, 30 AD, from having died by Roman Crucifixion, even having His heart pierced by a Roman spear, on that Wednesday, Nissan 14, 30 AD, three days and nights before His RESURRECTION.

The Da Vinci Code is Satan’s LIE sold with conspiracy theories, thriller style fiction, in a romance novel for silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, who are ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. It is built and based upon the Pinnacle Satanic Occult Lie. This book affirms unbelief, will stop the seeking of honest seekers, and will at least give ground to demons, if not totally shipwreck the faith of any Christian silly enough to read it.

When something is presented as truth, which is historically impossible, one should understand that is what is called LIES. The claims about Gnosticism in The Da Vinci Code are the exact opposite of the historical truth. It needs to be unmasked so that people of THE Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, and unbelievers as well, could see how shameful and unfounded Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code is. BIG LIES is the simple plain truth about the Da Vince code. The Da Vinci Code basis IS THE High Level Satanic LIE. The most amazing thing about the Da Vince Code is how such obvious lies, and such sloppy work could sell so well. That too is a certain sign of the times. Silly, unlearned, and unstable people would buy, read, and quote such a book. The Da Vinci Code book proves there are a lot of such silly people in this unstable, antichrist world today.

The scriptures that explain why and how such BIG Lies, and such silly work, would be so popular are 2 Th 2:10-12 and 2 Pet 3:3-6. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of - - The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

The real problem is that repentance is so supernatural. Da Vinci Code author and other heretics CAN NOT REPENT, and will NOT believe that they are in need of the Mercy and Grace of God. In such a state, LIES are all that is left. That is the explanation of how and why such sloppy big lies could sell so well. Indeed it is a sign of the times of the end when they will NOT endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Tim 4:3-4 describes the reason for the success of the Da Vinci Code in a nutshell.

No one, believer or unbeliever, needs such pollution of the mind like Brown's sloppy, pathetic work for the consumption of the reprobate, living dead and damned. At the CORE of High level SATANISM one will ALWAYS find what is sold for reprobate general public consumption in the Da Vinci Code. The LIE is that Jesus Christ did NOT die on the Cross.


Da Vinci Code’s allegation that Jesus must have been married and had children is based on the notion that singleness was unthinkable for a Jewish man, especially a rabbi. But Jesus was not a rabbi, even though His disciples occasionally used the word to mean teacher. Singleness was by NO means unheard of among Jewish men. How is it possible for anyone, even heathen or reprobate, not to see the basic fact about Jesus, that He did NOT follow the rabbinic tradition.

The life of Yeshua THE Messiah was the MOST distinctive life ever lived. The high regard of Jesus for women is one of the distinguishing facts and examples of His MOST DISTINGUISHED life. How can people not see the ridiculous method of Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown? Out of one side of Brown’s double minded perversion he says Jesus was "the original feminist" AND THEN HE TELLS US Jesus would never dream of breaking with tradition? The most biblically illiterate should see the problem there. That is what anyone should recognize as astonishing double mindedness and duplicity by the Da Vince Code author Dan Brown.

Dan Brown often distorts even the sources he himself cites as reliable. Distorted, twisted, and perverse is Brown's portrait of the Jesus-Mary Magdalene relationship. It is based entirely on two passages from the Gnostic gospels, whose reliability is often proven to be fraud. Why anyone would rely upon such spurious heresies as the so-called Gospel of Philip, and then claim even THAT says something that IT DOES NOT, that Jesus kissed Mary. There are huge numbers of words missing in that section of that ancient manuscript that Brown cites. One could make that section of that document with so many missing words say whatever you want, as Brown obviously has done. It is a sick, slick, way to sell his distortion of what other parts of the same book referred to in regard to the platonic "kiss of fellowship" between believers. The other passage, from the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, says Jesus loved her more than the other disciples. However, in context the text speaks of her wisdom, and in no way of some special relationship.

How Brown could pick those couple of passages from spurious Gnostic ancient writings, when there are literally tens of thousands of pages of ancient writings refuting such things, is simply a testimony to how biblically illiterate the world has become, and how extensive is the famine for hearing the Word of God. Brown's sources for Da Vinci Code relies heavily on several books of Gnostic gospels, written centuries AFTER the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Gnostic fraud books of the factious Philip and Mary written a CENTURY or two after their passing. This FACT of History, should tell any honest scholar, that when such books DISAGREE with the Scriptures, that the genuine, the original Gospels, written in the time in which the authors lived, are the ones that are authentic. But such work is acclaimed by this antichrist reprobate world, which does not love the truth. The success of Brown's Da Vinci Code proves that people WANT to have delusion, and they really hate the truth.

The Gnostic and spurious fraud books of pseudo-Philip and pseudo-Mary disagree with the truth of the Gospels in the Scriptures at a very fundamental level. The Gnostics, for those not familiar with them, did NOT stress the message of salvation that Jesus and His apostles conveyed to all people, but secret knowledge. That is what a Gnostic is, someone claiming SECRET and/or elevated KNOWLEDGE. Gnostic is derived from the Greek word GNOSIS meaning knowledge. Gnostics had supposed new revelations about angels, devils, the supposed hierarchy of spirits, and other exotic topics. To the Gnostics, salvation rested on that sort of secret advanced or occult knowledge, and not solely on the sacrificial Atonement death of the Lamb of God of which Abraham did prophecy.

The Lord Jesus Christ provided that ESSENTIAL perfect Atonement to which Abraham, Moses, Noah, and even Enoch, by faith, looked forward in FAITH. Saints understand the necessity for God to provide HIMSELF, as that PERFECT Lamb, to be the ONCE for all, perfect, spotless, SIN OFFERING. The TRUTH of the offense of sinners to the holiness of God, is simply not possible for the unregenerate vain creature to receive and believe. The TRUTH of the Gospel does not sell well in the Gnostic world of religion and the occult.

The SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE of the Gnostics, will invariably deny, and/or add to, the pure simple Gospel TRUTH. The special knowledge of the Gnostic will lead its victims on a sure fire, feel good, religious path to HELL. In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, there is a great shocking example to put the Gnostic literature in perspective. The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas will teach its readers that women can NOT enter the kingdom of heaven EXCEPT BY BEING TURNED INTO MEN. Here is a direct quote from the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, which should raise red flags above any teacher citing that spurious work. The last verse, bottom line of the Gospel of Thomas says, Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life." Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."

Dan Brown's thorough research missed that last verse, 114 of the Gospel of Thomas? In the Gnostic spurious heretical Apocalypse of Peter, we are again taught the BIG LIE of the Satanists and Occults, that Jesus did not suffer on the cross at all; He sent an earthly substitute version of Himself, while He sat in heaven and laughed at the world's ignorance. By the way, that is also a CENTRAL DOCTRINE of the Satanic religion of Islam.

No Gnostic books were ever added to any of the collections of New Testament texts. In 200 AD, the Muratorian Canon was published, with a nearly complete list of the current New Testament. This was 50 years before the Gnostic Nag Hamadi manuscripts were published. The Muratorian Canon was 125 years before Nicea! So much for the astounding lies of the Da Vinci Code!

Every child of God needs to KNOW in these days of Strong Delusion, rampant with false teachers, false prophets, and fluffy huggie wolves, that the Gnostic gospels were NOT just minor variations on the Gospels. Every child of God should know to BEWARE of people who would quote such works as the Gospel of Thomas, Philip or Mary to validate their doctrines and teachings. Everyone who lived during the early centuries of the church knew how vital that it is. The faithful remnant of these last days needs to KNOW and proclaim again, that such spurious Gnostic, heretical books can NOT be regarded as Christian or Messianic. The Scripture Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John hold valid and historically verifiable roots in the past for understanding the faith in the apostolic testimony and tradition.

The Gnostic spurious books claim access to a direct kind of revelation that was of more significance than past revelation. Child of God BEWARE. If you do NOT get to know the REAL Thing you are an easy mark for the counterfeit and counterfeiters. Bank tellers are trained to recognize counterfeit by ONLY HANDLING the Genuine.

The Da Vinci Code does a blatant total reversal of the Gospel to line up with Dan Brown's perverse Gnostic world view. Dan Brown says Christianity was stolen in the fourth century, when the power-grabbing church picked out a handful of books to be in the Bible and discarded large numbers of worthy contenders. All of the New Testament books were written in the first century. All of the Gnostic books were written in the second and third century and LATER. This fact alone demolishes the claims made in the Da Vinci Code about the Gnostics, and the canon of scripture.

The fact that there was sound doctrine, or an orthodoxy of THE Faith, is one of the most obvious facts of the New Testament. IN FACT THAT IS THE CALLING OF THE 12 APOSTLES - TO ESTABLISH THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST – THE DOCTRINE OF THE APOSTLES IS THE DOCTRINE OF MESSIAH – AND THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST DEFINES CHRISTIAN ORTHODOXY. That there was defense of THE Faith is clear to the most casual reader of the New Testament, whether that reader is a believer or not. Those defenses were going CENTURIES before the Gnostic Heresy writings were ever penned. How could any rational mind deny that there were obvious heresy defenses in many of the epistles of the New Testament? There was obviously an orthodoxy in the FIRST CENTURY. How could anyone possibly read Acts chapter 15 and say otherwise? The Epistles are sound doctrine letters. Why anyone could not see how ABSURD that makes the ENTIRE basis of the Da Vinci Code, is astonishing.

Maybe the Da Vinci Code, and the GNOSTIC DEMONS associated with it, is what got to Monte Judah. We do pray that Monte and the other modern Messianic heretics may find grace to repent. Nevertheless, we will not fail in the duty to admonish them and warn the SAINTS. Tremendous ground is given to demons when one dabbles with such things as the Da Vinci Code. This is true with any spurious heretical occult Gnostic works, be they ancient or modern, but especially so, with the DAMNABLE HERESY variety, to be found in the Da Vinci Code. Such things are NOT Christian, and are to be PUBLICLY MARKED as HERESY, and such sellers of heresy as Dan Brown, must be marked to be AVOIDED. That is a duty of Christian LOVE to the heretic and the people whom they seek to lead to destruction with them.

In the real world of TRUTH, the books of the KJV Holy Bible were not so much selected by the church fathers as by the Holy Spirit of Truth IN SPITE of the heretical church fathers. It was GOD who INSPIRED the Holy Bible and watched over its preservation and purification. If someone thinks we got the Holy Bible from the church fathers rather than the Holy Spirit such an one is simply NOT A BELIEVER.

If you think the church fathers gave us the Holy Bible rather than God keeping His Promise by the Holy Ghost, then some BELIEVER should love you enough to tell you, that you either need to be born again, or to be born again AGAIN. That sort of thing is EXACTLY what heretics like Dan Brown promote, in the STUPID and sloppy occult satanic fiction of the Da Vince Code. If you want to get full of feel good religious spirit DEMONS, such work as Dan Brown has done is how to do it BIG TIME and fast track.

If you believe the so-called church fathers, were free to prevent God from keeping His Word then someone should love you enough to tell you that is HERESY. The books in the KJV Holy Bible are there because of the WORK of the HOLY GHOST. In spite of the extreme lengths to which proud vain heretics will go in their wresting and perversion, the Word of God remains the Word of God, by the Spirit of Truth. Born again, SAINTS, the redeemed, repentant ones, will know and recognize truth by the Holy Spirit of Truth. Even if the masses follow the popular and famous rich heretics, the redeemed, repentant, ones will NOT go that way. The Books in the KJV Holy Bible are there by the work of the Holy Ghost and not church fathers. People with the Ruach Ha Kodesh, since that first Pentecost in 30 AD, KNOW that the books of Scripture are the Word of God, by the Holy Ghost, not by the church fathers.

The books that are SCRIPTURE were by the Holy Ghost in spite of extreme efforts of heretic so-called church fathers. The Scriptures are KNOWN to be important to the church by the Holy Ghost and those saying otherwise are NOT faithful. People who believe, receive, or profess such heretical views that the so-called church fathers, rather than the Holy Ghost gave us the Holy Bible, will shipwreck their faith, in such perilous times and days of strong delusion in which we now live.

God is NOT double minded. The Scriptures are NOT schizophrenic as people like Dan Brown, Michael Rood, and Monte Judah would like us to believe. The GNOSTICS were NOT included in the Scripture because of the superintendence of the Holy Ghost. The Scriptures as we have them in the KJV Holy Bible have always been recognized by those BELIEVERS having the Holy Ghost. By the Holy Spirit of Truth the books in the KJV Holy Bible are recognized for their importance to the church. The Scriptures of the KJV Holy Bible will always be found to affirm the longstanding judgment of Christians, and Messianic BELIEVERS, regardless of what ancient and/or modern heretics would say to contradict that fact and truth. BELIEVERS with the Holy Spirit of Truth have used them exclusively and widely since the time of the apostles. God is NOT double-minded. If the Gnostics had been included, the Scripture would have been schizophrenic.

The Da Vinci Code of Dan Brown does not stop at just trying to undermine Christianity. Brown actually wants to introduce people stupid enough to go for the Da Vince Codes into the OCCULT DEMONIC substitute, as the preferred alternative spirituality centered on the "sacred feminine." Good, old fashioned, Gaia, Mother Earth PAGANISM. This is easily seen in goddess-worshipping pagan religions, that female sexuality is a crucial element of the divine. Dan Brown even tries to rehabilitate the ancient rituals of temple prostitutes, presenting the sex act as the way to touch the divine. Such things will sell well in an antichrist reprobate world. Brown would have us be occult, antichrist, even Satanic Pagans. Yea, hath God said - really is the tune of Dan Brown's Da Vince Code and the common tune of ancient and modern heretics.

If you want to follow the Da Vince Code to hell, you are free to do so. Such thinking will lead to horrible persecution of Christians even thinking they are serving god by killing them. Their belief is that it was the Christians who destroyed the beautiful life of harmony with the rhythms of Mother Nature. The New Age is not new it is just pagan DEMONIC delusion that will call for the death of Christians. Books like Brown’s lay the basis to blame the Christians for coming along to slander and stop the demonic thrills of paganism. To Dan Brown and the rest of the neo pagan New Age demoniacs and reprobates we say fill up your cup. Enjoy what little time of unbridled lust and sensuality that you have left because, hell is forever, and you do not have much time left.

The GJiGT will state that the Da Vinci Code is plumb stupid historical LIES, that is occult if not outright Satanic, and about as far removed from truth and historical reality as one could imagine. Even though the Da Vince Code does not contain much sex, it still communicates to the readers they can devote themselves to sensual self-indulgence and be "spiritual" at the same time. In fact, it tells them they should. The message of the Da Vince Code is SATAN's Gospel that God does not punish sin, ye shall not surely die, and forget about any need for a Savior. Satan's Gospel like the Da Vince Code says there was no need for God to become man and make a sacrifice bigger than any man could come up with to satisfy the offense of sin to God's holiness.

We should understand why the Da Vinci Code is such an all time best seller, 152 weeks running on the NYT Best Seller list, over 36 million copies in over 40 languages. Of course Dan Brown says he is a Christian and the book is not antichrist. That should give you an idea of the LIES, delusions, and deceptions one may find in this top contender for the most antichrist book of all time. It sells so well because it is the biggest LIE of the devil. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. It probably is an understatement to say that the Da Vince Code is part of that Strong Delusion.

The Da Vince Code book is a brilliantly crafted demonic deception straight out of the pit! It should be easier to pass my Clinton $3 bill than for this book to pass for anything other than a satanic antichrist masterpiece. Why anyone not totally reprobate would read such a piece of trash, is a bigger mystery than the book. The truth may be found to be EXACTLY opposite of the antichrist foundation of the Da Vinci Code. The FACT and teaching of Christ's deity was established long before the Council of Nicea. Early Christians often paid with their lives or suffered tremendous persecution because they argued Jesus was the one and only true God. In fact, recorded in the pages of the New Testament, biblical scholars have identified what they believe are portions of early Christian creedal confessions referring to Christ's divinity that were formulated and verbally passed along years before they were recorded in the books of the New Testament, all of which were written in the FIRST century AD. One does not need to be a rocket scientist to know why BC calendar dating changed to AD. The book was written for two classes of people, those who love blasphemy, and those who do not know what blasphemy is.

When the Word of God is duly regarded, the serpent becomes harmless. But those who refuse to hear heavenly wisdom, must perish miserably, for ever. David spoke well of things like the Da Vinci Code, bible correctors, and scripture perverters in Psalm 56 verses 3 – 8. The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear; Which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely. Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth: break out the great teeth of the young lions, O LORD. Let them melt away as waters which run continually: when he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows, let them be as cut in pieces.

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